Connecting Talent To Opportunity
We are committed to help talented individuals in finding exciting job opportunities in various industries. Our industry expertise, large network, personalized approach, quality job opportunities, professional development, and confidentiality are some of the reasons why you should consider working with us.
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Tips To Get Hired
Select The Right Headshot
As the saying goes, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. So make sure that your profile picture is the most recent, professional-looking, and appropriate. Don’t be tempted into cheesy poses, and avoid using your Facebook or Instagram photos as your professional profile pic.
Be Clear With Your Job Title
Choose a clear, descriptive job title that describes your desired role at a glance. Avoid obscure or gimmicky titles, or job titles which are overly broad. Remember, you’re trying to attract the attention of a recruiter who may be in the process of skimming tens or even hundreds of profiles.
Pay Attention To Detail
Ensure that your profile is complete and that there are no important details missing – recruiters are keen to gain a overview of your
capabilities, responsibilities and achievements, and a detailed and accurate personal profile can help them with this.
Include Recommendations And Groups
Recruiters pay close attention to recommendations, so it pays to include these if you’re able to. Endorsements from credible sources can help raise your profile, and move you up the list of credible candidates. Likewise, information on groups you’re part of can help recruiters gain an insight into your likes, ambitions and personality.
Be Flexible As Possible
Be open to entry-level positions, part-time or contract work, and remote opportunities. This can lead to valuable experience and lead to future job opportunities.
Frequently te Asked Questions
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Why You Should Choose Us
For Your Recruitment Needs
For Your Recruitment Needs
ISO Certified
Recruitment Agency
in Pakistan
Anti-Bribery and
Anti-Bribery and
Corporate Social
manpower to the
Gulf (Middle East)
FMCG, Engineering
Construction, Labors
(Skilled, unskilled
and semi-skilled),
IT etc.
Delta International Key Achievements

Get Started With Us
Delta International is one of the top ISO Certified Recruiting Firms in Pakistan, providing comprehensive manpower supply and other HR services. Our dedicated HR professionals offer outsourcing services, including Permanent Recruitment, Temporary Staffing, Visa Processing, and Onboarding.