Tips for Employers

7 Easy Ways to Improve
Your Company Culture

November 07, 2023


Delta International


Improving company culture isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor, but there are straightforward ideas you can put into action today. It’s a key goal for HR leaders for Qatar to enhance the organization, so let’s dive into some easy-to-implement strategies to make your workplace even better!

Methods to Enhance Your Company Culture

1. Encourage Culture of Transparency

Transparency isn’t just good for employees. It helps the whole organization by making employees more engaged and creating a safe work environment.

""(Quick tip: Engaged employees are 2.1x more likely to report working for a transparent organization, according to Bonusly’s Engagement and Modern Workplace Report.)""

Trust is the base of a great organizational culture. If you want an open and transparent company culture, start by making sure your team has the right technology and tools.

Old communication tools can be a big barrier, especially if you have different offices and remote workers. Your team needs an easy way to connect and share important info.

Apart from upgrading your communication tools, another crucial step is defaulting to transparency.

It’s more about mindset than logistics. Instead of asking, “Do we really need to share this?” ask, “Is it really necessary to keep this a secret?”

Easy, right?

Here are more ways to bring transparency to your organization:

  • Share Successes: Start with this. Share and celebrate individual, team, and organizational successes openly. It’s a big motivation boost.
  • Share Challenges: You hired smart people for a reason. By being open about challenges, you’re giving the team a chance to find solutions together.

You don’t need to share every detail of every challenge, but when it comes to solving tough problems, many minds—especially from different backgrounds—are stronger than one.


Image Source: Employee Reward Systems

2. Acknowledge and incentivize significant contributions

Did you know that companies with a culture that values recognizing their hiring employees for KSA tend to have way fewer people leaving their jobs?

If you don’t feel appreciated at work, you might end up quitting. A recent survey by Bonusly found that almost half of the people who responded left a job because they didn’t feel appreciated. And 65% said they’d work even harder if their bosses noticed their efforts.

On the other hand, the best companies, the top 20%, that make a big deal about recognizing their employees have a much lower number of people leaving—31% less, to be exact.

Imagine if your company had 31% fewer people leaving. That would save a lot of money! You can check exactly how much using our Employee Turnover Calculator.

If you want to see this kind of improvement in your company, here’s an idea: figure out the good stuff your team does, the things that match your company’s goals, and values. Then, praise and reward those things as much as you can.

  • Get everyone involved! It’s not just the bosses who can say, “Good job!” It means a lot when your peers, your teammates, everyone notices and appreciates the good things you do.
  • Peer-to-peer recognition is super effective. It not only makes people feel good but also makes it easier for everyone to get the recognition they deserve without the bosses having to do everything. In a survey we did, 73% of people said they spend only 2 hours or less each month on Bonusly admin. (If that doesn’t convince your bosses to invest in recognition, you can check out our webinar on getting executive support.)
And hey, appreciating each other is not just about work. It’s also a great way to make better friendships at work, which is a big step in making your workplace awesome.
So, if you’re wondering where to start, start by recognizing your colleagues.

3. Building Strong Work Relationships

Having great relationships at work is awesome for keeping everyone engaged, but it doesn’t happen by magic. It takes time, effort, and sometimes, some cool team-building activities.
But here’s the thing—don’t just vanish when your boss shows up at the water cooler. Research actually says the opposite. Companies should create spaces that make people bump into each other (not literally, of course).
  • Encourage “Collisions”: Face-to-face talks are super important. Our data shows that chance meetings and unplanned chats among co-workers, both inside and outside the company, make everyone perform better.
  • Check Your Spaces: Think about your office. Besides having places for work, do you have areas where people can bump into each other? Many offices miss this. It’s not just about working but also about creating spaces that encourage these chance meetings.
For example, look at your lunch area. Is there a cool spot to eat and chat, or is it just a microwave, and everyone scatters to their desks? Having lunch together is a simple, low-budget way to build relationships, especially if your teams don’t usually mingle.
Even if your team works from different places (hybrid or remote-first), you can still find fun team-building stuff and nudge people to work together naturally!
Image Source: Questionpro

4. Encourage and motivate employees to take the lead in their work

Nobody likes being watched every second at work. It’s not helpful, it’s not efficient, and it doesn’t build trust in your workplace.
You hired your team, right? That means you should trust them to handle their tasks well!
Here are some ways to let your team take charge:
  • Give Choices: Let them choose how they do their work.
  • Forget the 40-Hour Week: It’s not all about the hours. Focus on the results.
  • Team Power: Create groups that can make decisions on their own.
  • Decision Time: Give chances for your team to make choices.
  • Stop the Hovering: Keep bosses and colleagues from being too controlling or bossy.
When your team has more freedom, they can move from just doing their job to really owning and driving their projects. It might be a bit challenging, but it’s super rewarding!

5. Be flexible in how you do things

Lots of companies now see that it’s good to give their employees more flexibility. It makes them happier and helps keep them in the job.
Flexibility at work can be different things, like a parent leaving for a bit to go to their kid’s school event, or being able to work from home. Some might even take a break from work for a while.
If you’re not sure how to start being more flexible at your job, check out this guide: The Dos and Don’ts of a Flexible Work Schedule.

6. Share and ask for feedback often

Giving and getting feedback can be tough. Sometimes, even if someone means well, the feedback isn’t clear or helpful.
  • You might be thinking, “We do yearly performance reviews. Feedback: Done.”
  • But here’s the thing—yearly feedback doesn’t really help employees get better.
  • It’s better to give feedback regularly, like in your one-on-one meetings.
  • Let your employees share their thoughts in stay interviews too.
  • And using regular surveys is awesome to know what your team likes and what needs work!

Our State of Employee Engagement Report says:

""Engaged teams measure more: Teams that are excited about their work check in more often.""

Giving feedback often is good for everyone. You can reward good stuff right away, which makes more good stuff happen.

And if someone is struggling, they shouldn’t find out only at the yearly review. Asking good questions and talking helps fix things sooner.

It’s important to cheer for your team when they do well and fix things together when they need help.

Image Source: Indeed

7. Put in the effort that creating a strong culture deserves

Creating a company culture is a process that requires dedication and effort. It doesn’t magically happen on its own. Your culture should be in harmony with your mission and values, resonating with everyone in the organization.

Neglecting to invest the necessary time and effort in building a company culture you can take pride in might result in one that you merely tolerate, or even dislike which mostly cause in Saudi Hiring for Overseas Employers.

Remember, there’s no endpoint. A truly exceptional organizational culture is an ongoing project, evolving alongside your company and its people.

Make a commitment to foster your company culture. Lead by example in every possible way so that your team can easily recognize and adopt it.

Which step will you choose to do first?

Creating an awesome company culture is an ongoing project. It changes as your organization and people grow. It’s your decision to guide this change and pick the initial step!

Our suggestion? Begin with recognizing employees. It plays a role in many of the things we talked about and is a positive action that brings joy to everyone.

Tips for Employers: 7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Company Culture

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